
Showing posts from June, 2018

Water Level Indiacator

Components:- BC 547 Transistor - 4 Pieces 220 ohm Resistor - 6 Pieces Buzzer - 1 Piece 9v Battery With Cap - 1 Piece Glass Epoxy Copper Clad PCB  - 1 piece Jumper wires LED - 3 Pieces Plastic container - 1 Piece 1x2 Green connector - 1 Piece Circuit :- Layout :- Working:- This is a simple electronic project, In which we are using 4 BC547 transistors. Here R1, R2, R3 and Base of T1 is representing four levels of water and positive terminal of battery is going in water. When the water level will be reach at R3 then T4 transistor will be work as a switch and LED will be turn on. Same process will be repeat when water level will be reach at R2, R1, and Base of T1. LED's will be turn on at R2 and R1. T1 is a top level of tank and buzzer is connect with this point so when the water will be reach at the top level of tank then buzzer will be turn on.